
Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Nuttin but stringz

Official Site:


Another one in the family of strings. Yeah, Apocalytica and Black Violin lovers, we have another one, NUTTIN BUT STRINGZ, they all push the boundaries to the very limits of imagination and creativity. I tried their song "Thunder" and just LOVED IT.
One thing i realized about the song.. i kinda get the smell of "Marilyn Manson - Sweet Dreams" in it.

If i'm not wrong, they got popular from the "America's Got Talent" show. Also, u can tell by their album title: "Struggle from the subway to the charts"

Marilyn Manson <-- one of the guys i hate the most in my entire life, what a loser.




Anonymous said...

great.. this master piece is making me dying.. those people are nothing but real crazy PROs!! good one.

xdeadromeox said...

thx MadCat..